Sight Loss Ministries - Changing Lives Logo

Photo from one of our local events of people sitting around tables

Providing holistic Christian resources and services for people with sight loss

In Northern Ireland there are 57,500 people living with sight loss and one in five people will experience sight loss during their lifetime

Services available from Sight Loss Ministries 

Photo of people sitting around tables at an event enjoying food together

Events where people with sight loss can come together with sighted people. These events have a focus on the social and the spiritual.

Photo of an Amazon Echo Dot

Support for blind and partially sighted people to access the Bible, daily Bible readings and other Christian content on their devices including Smart Speakers.

An older visually impaired woman in a coffee shop with a younger woman (her befriender) enjoying each others company

Befriending for people with sight loss.

Photo of a white cane being held out in front of a person with sight loss

Signposting to other services for people with sight loss in the UK.

How to find out more?

Get in touch by phone or email if you have any questions about our services


T: 07516636741

Four people with sight loss outside around a table

Check out our events page here for news of our latest events 

Keep in touch

Click here to sign up to receive prayer points and our latest news by email through MailChimp and/or WhatsApp